TME translations Wiki

1. Today I am going to be telling you about what you should do if you think you might be pregnant, what to do while you are waiting for the baby to be born, and what to do once your baby arrives. There are other lessons that will give you more information about each of these stages. Let’s get started.[]

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2. When you are expecting a baby your body goes through lots of changes. It is important that you keep strong and healthy. The baby is growing and it is very important that the baby is checked frequently to ensure nothing is wrong.[]

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3. You should visit the health clinic as soon as you think you are pregnant, and visit at regular intervals during your pregnancy.[]

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4. The health worker will be able to check both you and the baby. The health worker will also give you advice on how you can look after yourself and prepare for the birth. Now try to answer this question using the buttons on the controller.[]

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5. Should you visit the health clinic as soon as you think you are pregnant?[]

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6. Yes,[]

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7. or no?[]

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8. Press a button now.[]

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9. That’s right. The clinic will be able to check that both you and the baby are healthy.[]

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10. Should you visit the health clinic at regular intervals during your pregnancy?[]

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11. Yes,[]

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12. or no?[]

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13. press a button now.[]

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14. That’s right. The clinic will be able to monitor both you and the baby.[]

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15. While you are pregnant, your baby is growing inside your womb. The baby will receive all the necessary food it needs from you. It is important to eat a bit more when you are pregnant. This will help keep the baby healthy and strong while it is growing.[]

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16. Being pregnant is also tiring. As the baby grows you will find that carrying the baby's weight as well as yours makes you even more tired.[]

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17. For this reason you should make sure you rest more when you are pregnant. This will help keep you and the baby strong.[]

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18. Now try to answer this question.[]

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19. Should you eat more food when you are pregnant?[]

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20. Yes[]

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21. or no?[]

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22. Press a button now.[]

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23. That’s right. Your body will need extra food when you are pregnant.[]

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24. When you are pregnant should you rest more often?[]

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25. Yes,[]

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26. or no?[]

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27. Press a button now.[]

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28. That’s right. You should rest more when you are pregnant.[]

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29. When it is time for the baby to be born it is best to have a trained person at the birth. Although most women do not have a problem during the birth sometimes there can be problems.[]

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30. If you have a trained person at the birth they will know what needs to be done to ensure that the baby is born safely.[]

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31. Now, try to answer this question.[]

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32. Is it important to have a trained person present at the birth?[]

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33. Yes,[]

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34. or No?[]

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35. press a button now.[]

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36. Yes. A trained person will be able to help you give birth safely.[]

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37. A newborn baby needs special food during the first few months of its life. This food is only available from breast milk. Powdered milk does not contain the food a newborn baby needs.[]

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38. As a baby’s stomach is only able to digest simple foods, it is best to only feed a newborn baby breast milk for the first 4 to 6 months of life.[]

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39. Remember: use breast milk, not powdered milk, and do not feed the baby anything else. Breast milk is sufficient for the first 4 to 6 months.[]

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40. Now try to answer this question.[]

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41. For the first 4 to 6 months what should you feed your baby?[]

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42. Powdered milk,[]

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43. or breast milk?[]

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44. Press a button now.[]

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45. Well done. For the first 4-6 months you should only feed your baby breast milk.[]

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46. As soon as the baby is born you should start breastfeeding. The world is a strange place for a newborn baby.[]

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47. Until now the baby has been warm and comfortable inside you. As well as providing food, breastfeeding will comfort the baby and make the baby feel secure.[]

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48. As a mother, your body will start to produce milk for the baby. The action of the baby sucking will help your body to produce more milk. It is important to get the baby to suck soon after birth, so that your body starts to produce the milk your baby will need to help grow strong and healthy.[]

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49. Now, try to answer this question.[]

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50. When should you first breastfeed your baby?[]

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51. As soon as the baby is born?[]

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52. or four weeks after the baby is born?[]

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53. press a button now.[]

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54. Yes. Breastfeed your baby as soon as he is born.[]

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55. What will help you to produce milk?[]

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56. Waiting for a few weeks before starting to breastfeed?[]

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57. or starting to breastfeed immediately after the baby is born?[]

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58. Press a button now.[]

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59. Yes. Breastfeeding will help your body produce more milk.[]

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60. For young babies to grow and to be healthy and strong, they need food. The best food you can give your new baby is your own milk. It contains all the correct things your baby needs.[]

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61. Powdered milk does not contain the right things for your baby. Remember your baby grew inside you, and your body knows what your baby needs.[]

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62. Babies that are not breastfed, and are given powdered milk from a bottle, can get seriously ill because they are not getting the correct food. Some babies die from not getting the correct food. Make sure your baby stays healthy by breastfeeding.[]

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63. Now, try to answer this question.[]

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64. What is the best food you can give to a new baby?[]

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65. The same food that you eat,[]

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66. or breast milk alone?[]

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67. Press a button now.[]

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68. Yes. Breast milk alone is best for the first few months of a baby’s life.[]

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69. Is powdered milk better than breast milk?[]

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70. Yes,[]

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71. or No?[]

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72. Press a button now.[]

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73. That is right. Breast milk is the best food for a new baby.[]

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74. You should continue to feed your baby with breast milk alone for the first 4 to 6 months of life.[]

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75. After that you should give the baby other food as well. But remember that your breast milk contains special food that keeps your baby healthy, so continue to breastfeed your baby, along with feeding other food for the first two years of the baby’s life.[]

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76. Always give your baby breast milk first, then other food. This food should include cooked, mashed vegetables.[]

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77. Now, try to answer this question.[]

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78. Once you start feeding your baby with other food, should you...[]

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79. Stop breastfeeding?[]

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80. or continue to breastfeed?[]

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81. Press a button now.[]

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82. Yes. Your baby needs the food that is in breast milk for the first year or more of its life.[]

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83. When feeding your baby both breast milk and other food which should you give first?[]

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84. Breast milk,[]

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85. or mashed vegetables?[]

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86. Press a button now.[]

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87. Yes, it is important that the baby has some breast milk before the vegetables.[]

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88. Until your child is at least 3 years old, you should make sure you feed him 5 or 6 times a day. Small children’s stomachs are smaller than adults, and so cannot hold as much food.[]

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89. You should make sure that you feed the child 5 or 6 times each day, and include some vegetables with the food.[]

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90. Always make the child’s food fresh. Food left to stand can grow germs. Remember breast milk is always clean and free from germs.[]

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91. Now, try to answer this question.[]

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92. How many times a day should you feed your child?[]

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93. 2 or 3 times a day,[]

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94. or 5 or 6 times a day?[]

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95. Press a button now.[]

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96. Yes, feed you child 5 or 6 times a day until the child is at least 3 years old.[]

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97. Should you store your child’s food until meal times?[]

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98. Yes,[]

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99. or No?[]

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100. Press a button now.[]

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101. That’s right. Food should be eaten as soon as it has been made.[]

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102. Small children need special foods. When you are preparing food for a child who is under 3 years old, make sure you add a little extra fat or oil. This will help the child to grow and stay healthy.[]

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103. Children also need extra vegetables, so add some cooked mashed vegetables to their food.[]

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104. Now, try to answer this question.[]

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105. Does a child need extra oil in their food?[]

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106. Yes,[]

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107. or No?[]

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108. Press a button now.[]

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109. That’s right. A growing child will need more oil or fat.[]

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110. Should you give your child extra vegetables with their food?[]

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111. Yes,[]

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112. or No?[]

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113. Press a button now.[]

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114. That’s right. Add some extra mashed vegetables to their food.[]

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115. If your child gets sick, then they will usually eat less, and even the food that they do eat will not be absorbed properly. So it is very important to make sure that your child eats properly.[]

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116. Encourage your child to eat and drink when ill. Sometimes this can be difficult because the child may have lost their appetite. Try to give them food that you know they like, usually soft sweet foods.[]

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117. Give them food, a little at a time as often as they will eat. When the illness is over, extra meals will be needed to help the child catch up on all the growth lost during the illness. Make sure they get an extra meal every day for a week after the illness is over.[]

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118. Now, try to answer this question.[]

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119. Should you try to get a child to eat when they are ill?[]

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120. Yes[]

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121. or no?[]

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122. Press a button now.[]

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123. Yes. You should encourage your child regularly to eat and drink small amounts.[]

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124. When a sick child gets better, will he need extra meals?[]

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125. Yes[]

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126. or no?[]

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127. press a button now.[]

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128. Good. Extra meals will be needed for at least a week after illness.[]

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129. For your child to grow healthy and strong, he will need lots of attention.[]

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130. Play with your child. Talk to your child. You may think he can’t understand, but he will be able to hear the tone of your voice, and will be comforted.[]

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131. Teach your child. Children need to learn. Keep them involved with what you are doing and try to make them feel part of all your activities.[]

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132. Love your child. Make sure your child knows that he is loved. Ensure you build a relationship with your child as children enjoy closeness. Try to ensure that there is no anger or violence in your family. Now try to answer this question,[]

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133. A growing child needs...[]

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134. to be left alone to play by themselves,[]

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135. or lots of love and attention?[]

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136. Press a button now.[]

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137. Yes. Talking, playing, teaching and closeness are all essential.[]

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138. As well as feeding your child, and caring for your child, you will also need to ensure that your child is immunized.[]

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139. This will protect your child from many very dangerous diseases. All your child’s immunization should take place in the first year of life.[]

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140. Now, try to answer this question.[]

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141. Should your baby be immunized?[]

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142. Yes[]

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143. or No?[]

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144. Press a button now.[]

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145. Yes. It is important to take your child to the clinic for immunizations.[]

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146. When should your child be immunized?[]

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147. Any time before the child is 5 years old,[]

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148. or within the first year of life?[]

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149. Press a button now.[]

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150. That is right. All immunizations should be completed within the first year.[]

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151. That was the wrong answer. Let’s go back and listen again.[]

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152. Sorry! Wrong answer.[]

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153. Hello. The title of this lesson is “You and Your New Baby”. To begin, press the arrow pointing to the right. After you have finished this lesson the arrow pointing down will take you to the quiz. To listen again press the middle button.[]

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154. You’ve now finished the lesson. Well done! Now press the arrow pointing down to play the quiz and try to win a gold star![]

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155. Correct![]

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156. “You and Your New Baby”.[]

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